my Services

I try to offer many options for you to become familiar with my techniques so you can begin to grow greatness in your athletes! From just access to the information, to full consulting, to even having me come teach with you! Whatever fits your needs I want to help!

Power point

Access to my powerpoint explaining my key techniques

Power Point and zoom call

Access to my powerpoint plus a zoom call for explanation, discussion and questions

Power Point and 5 lesson plans

Access to my powerpoint and 5 custom lesson plans for you and your coaches

Power Point, zoom call and lesson plans

Access to my powerpoint, zoom call discussion and 5 lesson plans

full consulting

Includes powerpoint, zoom call plus 3 1 hour phone calls per month for check ins, email/text anytime with 24 hour turnaround and 1 custom lesson plan per week.

add on: In person consultation

Weekend where we go over the powerpoint, have time for in person discussion and I can teach classes with you and watch you teach with helpful input.

Whatever works best for you, I can help you make a difference.